January 22, 2025 - February 12, 2025
6:00 PM
“THE INTENTIONAL DAD” is a 4-week class about “Raising Sons of Courage and Character”!
DADS, whether your son is a baby, in elementary school or is about to graduate from High School this class is for you!
We will on Wednesday nights at 6pmfr the nights of January 15, 22,29 and February 5, 2025! (In WC140 D)
Taught by Hixon Frank this class is filled with practical steps to help fathers raise sons of consequence--young men who know what they believe, know who they are, and will stand up against the negative cultural trends of our day.
We will have fun and be encouraged but also challenged as we take a hard look at what our sons are facing and how we can equip them to thrive!
Cassie Hopkins
(903) 525-1186
Worship Center 140D
Registration closed on Thursday, January 23, 2025